ResponsAble is a safety staffing agency and recruiting company that hires experienced industrial safety and EHS professionals, then connects them to jobs and employers on demand. As one of the leading EHS staffing agencies, ResponsAble specializes in connecting employers with top-tier safety professionals for all their safety needs.

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Who We Are

Are you a safety professional looking for consistent and challenging work? Are you a hiring manager in desperate need of expert safety recruiters to find trained and experienced staff?

ResponsAble is the safety staffing agency that exists for you.

Experts in Safety Staffing & Recruiting

Experts, Not Substitutes

We are one of the only safety staffing agencies that specialize in industrial safety staffing and EHS recruiting.

Training & Experience

Because of our niche, we can provide a level of thoroughness, personal attention & training.

Growing Database of Safety Professionals

As an ongoing safety recruiter and one of the top EHS staffing agencies, we maintain an ever-growing team of safety professionalsthat are trained and trusted.

Team Culture

We take care of our people. We believe happier employees are more productive.

Safety Professionals Staffing Services for Employers

Employers, we help you get the job done. We're more than a generic safety staffing agency. We not only provide you with trained safety professionals on demand, but work with you to solve all of your challenges throughout the recruiting and hiring process.

Safety Professionals: Apply for New Safety Jobs Today

Industrial safety and EHS professionals, let's get you the job. We strive to provide consistent work that attracts the best of the best. We want you, experienced and trained employees, on our team.

Latest Safety Blogs and Resources

financial concept with dollars and yellow hardhat, selective focus on nearest part

The Payback for a Safe Work Environment

Safety pays for everyone! Work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths are costly to everyone involved. A safe work environment pays in more ways than one. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the cost of workplace injuries and illnesses nationwide are equivalent to those of cancer. Amazing. And that is just the financial…

worker  putting box on  shelf in warehouse

Ergonomics: Reduce Workplace Risk

Ergonomics. It’s a term you hear a lot about lately. There are entire industries dedicated to creating products and spaces that are ergonomically correct, but what is it exactly. I decided to look it up. Ergonomics is the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment. Clear, right? If you are a scientist! In layman’s…


Successful Attitudes Toward Safety

As humans, we instinctively seek to avoid pain and death. When we get too close to a fire and start to intensely feel the heat, we back up. It is instinct. We don’t have to tell ourselves, “Wow, this is hot. Let’s move away!” We just do. Yet, even with this instinct, when it comes…


How Loud Is Too Loud?

When it comes to worker safety, the wearing of proper hearing protection when noise levels are high can diminish the chances of, or eliminate the chance of hearing loss. In the safety industry, this is called hearing conservation…but how loud is too loud? How Do We Hear? Sound is collected in our outer ear and…

Construction worker wearing safety harness and safety line working at high place

The Color of Safety

Most of us encounter color cues on a daily basis without consciously recognizing that we are doing it. We stop at a red light, never slow down for the green light, we know that orange and white stripes means that there is road work ahead. We don’t stop and think ‘oh, the light’s red, what…

How To Prevent Heat Illness For A Safety Professional

Are you familiar with the term Nomex? If you work in or around any of the plants in Louisiana, you should be very familiar with the term. Many safety jobs require the use of the Nomex suit, a fire resistant, cut resistant, safety suit made from material created by the company DuPont. We all know what it looks like. Generally it is a full body jumpsuit and is aimed at providing the best protection for the worker.

The flame resistant material, although constructed to be less restrictive and cooler, can’t overcome the heat of Louisiana summers.

So, how do you remain cool when your safety depends on you wearing hot clothes?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Our Safety Staffing Clients Say

"ResponsAble has been working with us for the past several years as our on demand safety professionals staffing provider. Their knowledge and attention to detail as a safety recruiter have aided in providing both Confined Space Attendant/General Labor personnel and Safety Professionals that meet our specific need and exceed our expectations every time."
- Field Service Coordinator, Oil/Gas Industry