OSHA Violations

OSHA Violations; The Cost Of Noncompliance

By John Cambre / July 7, 2015 /

The primary goal of OSHA is to protect you, the employee, from any physical harm. And violations of these can cause serious harm to the company as well – in their pocketbook! Find out how OSHA fines employers for non-compliance of safety regulations.

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Safety Culture

Building A Strong Safety Culture

By John Cambre / May 12, 2015 /

Robert Jones took over his father’s industrial based company a few years ago. When he became president of the company, he implemented internal training in safety aspects, became a proponent of vigilant supervision and even had to resort to the threat of punishment for non-compliance. These methods all worked. His company did become safer. But,…

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Improve Workplace Safety and Avoid OSHA Fines

By John Cambre / March 23, 2015 /

How do you, as an employer make sure your workplace is as safe as possible, while at the same time avoiding costly government citations? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created to protect workers by establishing standards that all workplaces have to abide by. And, while you can’t foresee every conceivable danger, the following…

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