Let us start with a definition: Axiom: an established rule or principle or a self-evident truth!
In 1931 Herbert William Heinrich published his book Industrial Accident Prevention, A Scientific Approach. In the book, the author created the 10 Axioms of Industrial Safety. Although some of his findings that were published in his book have been disputed over the years by other safety professionals, there are two that have endured.
Axiom number 8: Management has the best opportunity and ability to initiate the work of prevention. Therefore, it should assume the responsibility.
Axiom number 9: The supervisor or foreman is the key person in accident prevention. His application of the art of supervision to the control of worker performance is the factor of greatest influence in successful accident prevention. It can be expressed by a simple four-step formula:
- Identify the problem.
- Find and verify the reason for the existence of the problem.
- Select the appropriate remedy.
- Apply the remedy.
These axioms describe the association that upper management and front-line supervisors should have with the safety and health system that the organization implemented to keep workers safe.
In the following link on OSHA’s website, you will have access to a complete breakdown of how management can start the process of creating an important safety culture.
Here is the link: Safety Management – A safe workplace is sound business | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (osha.gov)
Creating Culture Starts with Management Leadership
Management provides the leadership, vision, and resources needed to implement an effective safety and health program. Management leadership means that business owners, managers, and supervisors:
- Make worker safety and health a core organizational value.
- Are fully committed to eliminating hazards, protecting workers, and continuously improving workplace safety and health.
- Provide sufficient resources to implement and maintain the safety and health program.
- Visibly demonstrate and communicate their commitment to safety and health to workers and others.
- Set an example through their own actions.
So, listen up, management teams and ask yourself, “How do organizations develop a culture of safety?”
Here are some recommended actions that you can take to show your commitment to safety and health and make it a core value in your organization.
Action item 1: Communicate your commitment to a safety and health program.
A clear, written policy helps you communicate that safety and health is a primary organizational value –as important as productivity, profitability, product or service quality, and customer satisfaction.
How to accomplish it
Establish a written policy signed by top management describing the organization’s commitment to safety and health and pledging to establish and maintain a safety and health program for all workers.
- Communicate the policy to all workers and, at appropriate times and places, to relevant parties, including:
- Contractors, subcontractors, staffing agencies, and temporary workers at your worksite(s)
- Suppliers and vendors
- Other businesses in a multi-tenant building
- Visitors
- Customers
- Reinforce management commitment by considering safety and health in all business decisions, including contractor and vendor selection, purchasing, and facility design and modification.
- Be visible in operations and set an example by following the same safety procedures you expect workers to follow. Begin work meetings with a discussion or review of safety and health indicators and any outstanding safety items on a “to-do” list.
Action item 2: Define program goals.
By establishing specific goals and objectives, management sets expectations for managers, supervisors, and workers and for the program overall. The goals and objectives should focus on specific actions that will improve workplace safety and health.
How to accomplish it
- Establish realistic, measurable goals for improving safety and health. Goals emphasizing injury and illness prevention should be included rather than focusing on injury and illness rates.
- Develop plans to achieve goals by assigning tasks and responsibilities to particular people, setting times, and determining resource needs.
Action item 3: Allocate resources.
Management provides the resources needed to implement the safety and health program, pursue program goals, and address program shortcomings when they are identified.
How to accomplish it
- Estimate the resources needed to establish and implement the program.
- Allow time in workers’ schedules for them to fully participate in the program.
- Integrate safety and health into planning and budgeting processes and align budgets with program needs.
- Provide and direct resources to operate and maintain the program, meet safety and health commitments, and pursue program goals.
Action item 4: Expect performance.
Management leads the program effort by establishing roles and responsibilities and providing an open, positive environment that encourages communication about safety and health.
How to accomplish it
- Identify a front-line person or persons to lead the safety program effort, make plans, coordinate activities, and track progress. Define and regularly communicate responsibilities and authorities for implementing and maintaining the program and hold people accountable for performance.
- Provide positive recognition for meeting or exceeding safety and health goals aimed at preventing injury and illness (e.g., reporting close calls/near misses, attending training, conducting inspections).
- Establish ways for management and all workers to communicate freely and often about safety and health issues without fear of retaliation.
To start the process, OSHA has created a series of worksheets that will provide a step-by-step guide Level 1 – Getting Started | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (osha.gov)
For more safety tips, guidance, and discussions visit our other blogs. If you’re looking to build a culture of safety with a new team of safety professionals, contact us today to hear about our safety staffing services.