Side view of young bearded engineer in protective gloves and reflective vest scrolling through sketch on tablet screen with copyspace on left
Throughout the years, temporary staffing agencies have gotten the same negative reputation as online dating agencies…but, a shift has begun (no pun intended), especially in today’s trying economy, to become more efficient in all of your processes, including staffing. AND, I bet these days, you know at least one couple who has a happy ending!
We know that temporary workers are not the answer for every company and for every situation, but when the right conditions are there, will you be able to identify them?
The Top Three Reasons to Use Specialized Staffing Agencies
The hiring process is very time consuming. Even if you only have one HR person working on it, they have to take the time to write and post ads, cull through 100s of resumes to find the one or two they might want to interview. Interview, hire and train. This could take months – for each position!
The right staffing agency takes all of the time consumed for your hiring away from your HR person, and lets them concentrate on more productive endeavors for your company.
Imagine getting a candidate right off the bat that is pre-screened, pre-interviewed and pre-trained for your position. From a talent pool that is available on demand!
And, we all know that Time = Money. Not only has that HR person spent months on each candidate, but you have just paid their salary to spend the time doing it. Avoid throwing money at candidates that you are not going to hire. And, I know we are all aware of the cost of making a hiring mistake!
The right agency will save you money! Isn’t that what every company wants and needs. The right agency will also carry all of the HR costs for that candidate. Again, saving you money!
By working with a qualified staffing agency, you are streamlining your hiring process compared to traditional recruiting efforts.
But there is one caveat to the entire process, not just any staffing agency will do! In the same way a busy city slicker wouldn’t be looking for a date on a site that specialized in farmers, or a Christian would not be on a Jewish dating site, make sure that you are using a staffing agency that is qualified for your needs.
Using a qualified (and I stress the word ‘qualified’) staffing agency, that specializes in the needs of your company and companies like yours, will greatly benefit your bottom line in many ways.
When it comes to Safety Staffing at any level – from fire watch and confined space attendants, to higher-level safety managers and professionals, ResponsAble Safety Staffing is your qualified safety staffer!
ResponsAble works with you to understand your specific safety personnel needs. We then provide you with a position description to make sure we supply a perfect match. Then our expert recruiters do the leg work to match a candidate with your position description.
We eliminate both the time, cost and the extra effort of recruiting…we strive for a perfect match the first time.