industrial company

Safety Staffing

The Risks of NOT Outsourcing Safety Staffing: Part 1

By John Cambre / December 6, 2017 /

No matter what kind of projects you oversee, most companies can use extra safety personnel at some point. However, you may not be able to justify the need for a full-time staff. This is where a safety staffing agency, such as ResponsAble, can provide you with the temporary employees you need to help with a…

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Outsourcing with ResponsAble includes safety staffing services like screening, hiring, and more.

5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Safety Staffing

By John Cambre / November 1, 2017 /

We know that safety staffing is a very long process with many moving parts. Marketing positions, recruiting, interviewing, hiring, training, and endless paperwork are a part of the job description. We can save you a lot of hassle and a lot of headaches by taking on these responsibilities for you. We take pride in doing all…

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Why You Should Outsource Confined Space Attendants

By John Cambre / September 20, 2017 /

Confined space attendants are required by OSHA’s Code of Federal Regulations. These roles are an essential part of construction and industrial maintenance safety programs, as those involved in watch duties are entrusted with the safety of those they work with. Confined space attendants are always in demand in the current job market, but it is…

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Successful Attitudes Toward Safety

By John Cambre / October 20, 2015 /

As humans, we instinctively seek to avoid pain and death. When we get too close to a fire and start to intensely feel the heat, we back up. It is instinct. We don’t have to tell ourselves, “Wow, this is hot. Let’s move away!” We just do. Yet, even with this instinct, when it comes…

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How To Prevent Heat Illness For A Safety Professional

By John Cambre / July 21, 2015 /

Are you familiar with the term Nomex? If you work in or around any of the plants in Louisiana, you should be very familiar with the term. Many safety jobs require the use of the Nomex suit, a fire resistant, cut resistant, safety suit made from material created by the company DuPont. We all know what it looks like. Generally it is a full body jumpsuit and is aimed at providing the best protection for the worker.

The flame resistant material, although constructed to be less restrictive and cooler, can’t overcome the heat of Louisiana summers.

So, how do you remain cool when your safety depends on you wearing hot clothes?

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OSHA Violations

OSHA Violations; The Cost Of Noncompliance

By John Cambre / July 7, 2015 /

The primary goal of OSHA is to protect you, the employee, from any physical harm. And violations of these can cause serious harm to the company as well – in their pocketbook! Find out how OSHA fines employers for non-compliance of safety regulations.

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