
Specialist In A Temporary Workforce

By John Cambre / November 3, 2014 /

The dictionary defines ‘specialist’ as a person who devotes himself to one subject or to one particular branch of a subject or pursuit. The word devotes sticks out in this definition. But, with the changing landscape of industrial workers, how do we ensure specialization with the need to save money? Did you know that, according…

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The Real Cost of Attrition In The Industrial Sector

By John Cambre / October 21, 2014 /

As a business owner, have you ever really looked at the cost of attrition to your company? Really looked? Not just at the bump in salary in might cost you to hire a new person, but at the overall cost attrition is taking away from your bottom line? Turnover statistics are staggering… Over 50% of…

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A Specialist For Your Safety Staffing Needs

By John Cambre / October 9, 2014 /

Obviously, we all want our companies to run as efficiently as possible AND be the safest environment it can for all of its workers. These goals are easy, right? You just hire great people! So why don’t we all have this in our companies? That one is easy too! Because hiring is time-consuming and too…

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