
On Boarding: Why the Bother?

October 18, 2018
on boarding employees

There are as many approaches to On Boarding an employee as there are employers.  Some have a methodical process that slow rolls the employee into their new position while others apply the sink or swim technique with a steep curve right to action. Wherever your business falls along the On Boarding continuum, there are a…

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Improving the Health and Performance of Your Employees

October 8, 2018
improving health and performance of employees

Employees working in industrial environments face many Health, Safety and Environmental challenges. Managers are tasked with ensuring that employee performance is at its best, which is only possible by making sure that workers are healthy, alert, and ready to perform their roles at a high level.  So much priority is placed upon Safety and Environmental…

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Tips to Effectively Manage Employee Turnover

September 17, 2018
employee turnover

Keeping Costs Low and Morale Up During Employee Turnover Employee turnover can be a difficult problem for industrial companies. Turnover presents many challenges: ensuring new employees have adequate training, maintaining safety and procedural standards in the workplace, preventing slowdown and inefficiency on the line, preventing increased costs to the company, and maintaining morale among remaining…

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How to Motivate Your Employees to Follow Your Safety Programs

September 3, 2018
safety programs

Among the most common concerns of safety professionals today is the best way to keep employees motivated when it comes to safety. Even when you understand the importance of safety, it can be difficult to encourage employees to get on board with your safety efforts. If you are still seeing a lack of buy-in from…

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Resolving Conflict and Moving On

August 15, 2018
resolving conflict

Whether in the work place or at home, we all have them, face them, suffer from them, manage them one way or another; conflicts.  They may be arguments, consequences of our actions or consequences of other’s actions, but how we choose to move forward when they occur is of substantial impact. I first wrote “of…

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What Could Go Wrong, Preventing Workplace Hazards

August 7, 2018
preventing workplace hazards

With supporting safe work environments being our mission, it helps to start with some statistics to help establish how we can best succeed. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports there were approximately 2.9 million nonfatal work-place injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers in 2016.  That translates to a rate of 2.9 cases per…

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