
Prevent Carpal Tunnel by Putting these Steps into Practice

January 6, 2017
Industrial workers can encounter carpal tunnel syndrome if they overuse their hands or overdo their work.

Manual labor is extremely hard on the body. Jobs that require repetitive motion can wear down your joints over a period of time. One of the most common results of overuse is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Carpal tunnel causes stiffness, pain and numbness in the hand and fingers, and it affects millions of Americans every year.…

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Safety Staffing: Why You Should Outsource

December 21, 2016

Safety staffing is a long process with many moving parts. There is the marketing, the interviewing, the hiring. Then there’s the paperwork and the training. But, wait… that’s not all. What about when things go wrong? There’s layoffs, holdover costs, etc. By outsourcing your safety staffing, you don’t have to worry about all of the…

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5 Ways to Prevent Musculoskeletal Disorders

December 7, 2016

When thinking of common job site injuries, usually the first that come to mind are the immediate accidents, the sudden ones that come without warning. Examples of these might be: falling, cuts, fires, tripping, falling objects, collapses, etc. These injuries are thought of quickly because they can be seen or noticed by all. However, there are…

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Prevent Hearing Loss on Your Job Site

November 22, 2016
hearing loss

According to Amerisafe Consulting & Safety Services, the most common workplace injury reported is hearing loss. When thinking of safety concerns on a safety construction site, hearing damage might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, an individual exposed to extreme levels of noise can experience permanent hearing loss. This type is…

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How To Be Safe During a Demolition

November 3, 2016

Often times before construction can begin, demolition must take place. And anytime there is demolition involved with a job, there is a risk of workers becoming injured. However, this risk can be lowered if the employers take the proper measures to ensure the safety of their workers. According to OSHA, demolition is the dismantling, razing,…

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The Do’s and Don’t’s of Back Safety

October 5, 2016
back safety

It is important to be knowledgeable about back safety before working in a demanding manual labor environment. According to Memic, back injuries make up 20% of work-related injuries. Of course, manual labor takes a toll on one’s body because of the amount of physically strenuous work. However, without proper knowledge of how to move correctly,…

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