
The Real Cost of Attrition In The Industrial Sector

October 21, 2014

As a business owner, have you ever really looked at the cost of attrition to your company? Really looked? Not just at the bump in salary in might cost you to hire a new person, but at the overall cost attrition is taking away from your bottom line? Turnover statistics are staggering… Over 50% of…

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A Specialist For Your Safety Staffing Needs

October 9, 2014

Obviously, we all want our companies to run as efficiently as possible AND be the safest environment it can for all of its workers. These goals are easy, right? You just hire great people! So why don’t we all have this in our companies? That one is easy too! Because hiring is time-consuming and too…

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What is a Hole Watch and Why Are They So Important?

September 23, 2014
hole watch & confined space

Dave Wagner remembers his first confined space job. He survived it. A gas monitoring specialist, Wagner worked as a laborer for a public utility company while in college. Through a small 24-inch portal, he and his summer coworkers passed into a large condenser. Once inside, they inserted a metal plug and high-pressure hose into a…

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When Traditional Staffing Agencies Fail

August 12, 2014

Slackers. Unless you know what’s going on, it may be what you thought. Stuck in traffic, you notice a crowd of workers gathered around a utility worksite. Half a dozen people are just standing around. One carries a clipboard. A couple of laborers rest their arms on shovels. Others stare into a hole. A hardhat…

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The 3 Challenges of Quality Contingency Staffing

July 29, 2014

Reality TV producers want us to believe that the people on their shows are just regular people – practically just wandered in off the street. They want us to believe that they just turn on the cameras and film whatever happens. But we are not so easily fooled, right?  We know that they audition thousands…

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What You Can Learn About Safety Staffing From Home Depot

June 4, 2014

You’ve heard of DIY. DIY-ers. Do It Yourself. But what about DIFM, or DIFM-ers? Have you heard of that? And how about FIFM? FIFM-ers? What? Between them, Home Depot and Lowe’s sell 90% of the nation’s home improvement products. Ninety percent! But you won’t find their fastest selling item on any of their shelves. It…

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