
A Recipe for Safety Success

November 14, 2022

What is your recipe for safety? What is a functioning safety and health system? Let’s compare this system to a system used in the foodservice industry. How does a foodservice operation assure a food menu item is served consistently and safely? “When I meet with restaurant operators to help them with food cost control and…

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10 Expectations to Improve Safe Working Conditions and Behaviors

September 21, 2022

Let’s start with a definition: Merriam Webster’s definition of expectation: The act or state of expecting: ANTICIPATION in expectation of what would happen A few years ago, a group of friends traveled to New York City to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Times Square. They arrived a few days early to tour and explore one…

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OSHA’s Focus Four: What They Are and How to Control Them

August 15, 2022
construction struck by hazard

What is OSHA’s Focus Four and which controls can we implement to mitigate the risk? In the world of safety and health management systems (SHMS), safety professionals control worker exposure to hazards using a systematic approach. The old hierarchy approach was to start with implementing an engineering control, followed by an administrative control, and ending…

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Who should be your OSHA competent person?

August 2, 2022

As most of us know, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, is the workplace governing body for the safety of workers in a variety of industries. The thing that most of us do not know, is how to implement it. Most of the safety and health management systems do not know how that system…

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4 Safety Professional Skills Critical for Project Success

June 30, 2022
safety professionals talking to each other

As a business specializing in sourcing safety staff, we are pretty good at identifying a prospective employee’s hard skills, practical experience and formal education. A resume, a few interviews and some reference checks provide substantial insight into basic competency for a given safety professional. The real challenge in sourcing employees who possess the total package…

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